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The Corea Image Communication Institute (CICI) held Culture 20 (C20), a meeting of leading cultural figures
from the G20 countries. In order to maximize the effect of the G20 Seoul Summit, this forum provided an
opportunity to showcase the true essence of Korean culture and introduce not only the city of Seoul but Korea
as a nation. C20 provided 20 delegates from 17 countries with the chance to get to know Korean culture by
visiting Korean traditional and modern attractions, enjoying traditional performances and Korean meals “Hansik”
Building upon the success of the C20 Culture Summit, CICI made the culture summit an annual event and, from
2011, organized the Culture Communication Forum (CCF). CCF 2011 and CCF 2012 invited 14 leading cultural
figures from 13 countries and each year, the delegates experienced Korean culture and also, had an opportunity
to promote their own culture in Korea. CICI will continuously hold CCF which aims to become a cultural Davos
Forum during which leaders of the world’s arts and culture scene gather together to learn about Korean culture
and promote their own culture at the same time.

CCF 2023 Hidden Talent | CCF 2022 Presenters | CCF 2021 Overseas Participants |
CCF 2020 Overseas Participants | CCF 2019 Delegates | CCF 2018 Delegates | CCF 2017 Delegates |
CCF 2016 Delegates | CCF 2015 Delegates | CCF 2014 Delegates | CCF 2013 Delegates |
CCF 2012 Delegates | CCF 2011 Delegates | CCF 2010 Delegates


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