Title | Choi JW Rendez-vous 'Unique Brunch Menus and Their Origins!' | ||||
Posted by | webmaster | Hit | 93 | Date | 2024.07.26 |
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ4_-cg6LSY Brunch is the perfect meal to enjoy on a leisurely weekend or holiday! The term 'brunch' refers to a meal that combines breakfast and lunch! In Korea, it's called 'a-jeom' with 'a' from 'achim - breakfast' and 'jeom' from 'jeomsim - lunch' We'll learn about the meaning and origins of brunch, explore brunch cultures and popular menus from different countries, and look into some famous quotes about brunch. How did the brunch culture that began in late 19th-century England spread to the United States, France, Japan, China, and Korea? From Eggs Benedict to pancakes and croissants, let's explore the various brunch menus enjoyed in different countries through this video! |