Title | Choi JW Rendez-vous 'Interview with 8-Year-Old Serin, Future Idol!' | ||||
Posted by | webmaster | Hit | 146 | Date | 2024.07.19 |
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlP4HGUyYq0 Today, we had our third interview with Serin, who is now a third grader. At just 8 years old, she's been the class president for two consecutive years and even won a grand prize for gugak (traditional Korean music) at KBS. She's growing up to be a very talented child! With a passion for singing and dancing, Serin dreams of becoming an idol while also working hard in school. In today's interview, we explore Serin's daily life, dreams, and goals. She's currently learning singing and dancing at a hagwon, and watching her showcase her talents again reminded me of how much she's grown since she danced in a video for this channel three years ago. Shall we watch the video together? |