Title | Choi JW Rendez-vous 'The Hot Place to go in Seoul! Story behind the name 'Apgujeong'' | ||||
Posted by | webmaster | Hit | 258 | Date | 2024.05.10 |
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What comes to mind when you think of Apgujeong? On a bright, sunny day recently, I went to Apgujeong to enjoy the pop-up stores and soak up the spring vibes at cafes along the streets. I visited the Fer à Cheval pop-up store, the only soap manufacturing company that boasts over 160 years of history and has been passing down soap-making expertise through six generations of soap masters. Then, I checked out House Dosan, where the advertisements with Blackpink's Jennie caught my eye, and explored the unique robotic art pieces. I also visited Swarovski's flagship store at Dosan Park, the brand celebrating its 129th anniversary this year. I also learned about the interesting origin of Apgujeong and briefly stopped by the 12th Beautiful Fund Bazaar organized by the nonprofit organization Arumjigi. Shall we go together through the video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBv9QRsLfLk |