Title | Choi JW Rendez-vous 'Must-visit places in Gochang! Legend of SeonUnTemple' | ||||
Posted by | webmaster | Hit | 487 | Date | 2023.11.17 |
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Do you know the legend of how Seonunsa was built? What did I wish upon the wishing tree? I recently visited Gochang and went to the must-visit spots there, from Seonunsa to Byeongbawi and the Dolmen Museum. It was a relaxing visit at Seonunsa, taking in the beautiful view, seeing the uniquely shaped Byeongbawi and learning about the myth, and walking along the Goindol-Dolmen in Gochang, which was declared a UNESCO world heritage. Let's enjoy the fall trip together through the video. https://youtu.be/Ojec_GLoidE?si=TLVUqfomw1aSfRbK