Title | Choi JW Rendez-vous 'Private Paradise in Bali? Amankila!' | ||||
Posted by | webmaster | Hit | 372 | Date | 2023.08.08 |
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Today we go to Amankila, meaning 'peaceful hill', where you can relax surrounded by hills and the sea. The 'Aman' brand has 34 resorts in 20 countries all around the world, and there are 5 in Indonesia. Amankila, the one located in Bali, is the most modern one with a fantastic view of the sea. As I arrived at the resort, I was greeted with a special flower ceremony, and was astounded by the beautiful view of the sea from the room, and the 3-stage infinity pool which is definitely a highlight of the resort. Swimming in the pool with the sea breeze around me, it was a really healing trip. Let's see together through the video! https://youtu.be/tCOB5v5TGCU