Title | Choi JW Rendez-vous "Lunch with Korean Englishman Josh & Ollie!" | ||||
Posted by | webmaster | Hit | 1132 | Date | 2023.02.13 |
Recently I met with @koreanenglishman Josh and Ollie, the YouTuber duo who promote Korean culture to their 5.5M followers all around the world! It's been 4 years since I first met them, and through the years we've met both in Korea and in London. They were recently in Korea for a few days for some filming, and I was so happy that they reached out to me during their busy schedule to catch up over lunch. Let's see through the video what we talked about, and also video and pictures of the times we met before~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEMzJ0yYZdk |